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It’s Children Against Federal Lawyers in Immigration Court

It’s Children Against Federal Lawyers in Immigration Court

February 27, 2022

08/21/2016 Tungol Law America Now, Immigration, lawsuit "It’s Children Against Federal Lawyers in Immigration Court"

A 15-year-old boy who fled El Salvador for the United States and now lives with his uncle in Tuscon. Credit Caitlin O’Hara for The New York Times

Fernanda Santos of the New York Times writes:

“Every week in immigration courts around the country, thousands of children act as their own lawyers, pleading for asylum or other type of relief in a legal system they do not understand.

Suspected killers, kidnappers and others facing federal felony charges, no matter their ages, are entitled to court-appointed lawyers if they cannot afford them. But children accused of violating immigration laws, a civil offense, do not have the same right. In immigration court, people face charges from the government, but the government has no obligation to provide lawyers for poor children and adults, as it does in criminal cases, legal experts say.

Having a lawyer makes a difference. Between October 2004 and June of this year, more than half the children who did not have lawyers were deported. Only one in 10 children who had legal representation were sent back, according to federal data compiled by the Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse, a research group connected to Syracuse University.”


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