10/13/2019 Tungol Law Headline News "Breaking News: Public Charge Changes at USCIS, DOJ, and DOS"

Following injunctions from three U.S. federal courts, USCIS appeared to have removed the new/revised forms that include the “public charge” category from its website.
ALERT: On Oct. 11, 2019, judges in three separate cases before U.S. District Courts for the Southern District of New York, Northern District of California, and Eastern District of Washington enjoined DHS from implementing and enforcing the final rule related to the public charge ground of inadmissibility under section 212(a)(4) of the Immigration and Nationality Act and postponed the effective date of the final rule until there is final resolution in the cases. Two of the injunctions are nationwide and prevent USCIS from implementing the rule anywhere in the United States. Until final decisions in these cases are issued or the injunction is lifted, USCIS will accept the version of this form on this landing page.
official USCIS press release: https://www.uscis.gov/i-485supa
For more on this update, please go to https://www.aila.org/advo-media/issues/all/public-charge-changes-at-uscis-doj-and-dos and https://www.uscis.gov/i-485supa.