08/21/2016 Tungol Law Headline News "NBC Comedy Superstore Features First Undocumented Asian Character"

Season 2 of Superstore revealed that the character “Mateo” is an undocumented immigrant from the Philippines, the first network TV sitcom character to be Asian and undocumented.
According to Define America NBC broke some serious ground on the premiere of season 2 of the sitcom, “Superstore.” Mateo, a gay character from the Philippines, discovers that he is an undocumented immigrant. The episode titled “Olympics,” had 10.9 million viewers, and depicted a series of storylines that were related to the Olympic games. The episode begins when Glenn, a manager of a big box store, gives Mateo a hard time about his Philippines lapel pin, suggesting that he should be loyal to the United States during the Olympic games.
More on the story, click here.